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Carola Eastwood provides in-depth personal astrology readings and transformational life coaching sessions that open the doorway to fulfilling your life-purpose.

Planetary Cycles
for November 2012

The full moon guides our way into transformation

This month begins with the light of the October 29 full moon illuminating our way into November. Every month, we have a new moon, which plants the seed for a new cycle of learning and activity, followed by a full moon, which brings the potential birthed at the new moon into fruition. When we live in tune with the natural cycles of nature, we feel guided to start new activities around the new moon, and bring them to fruition when the energy is most abundant and available, around the time of the full moon. With the sun in Scorpio, the sign of transformation, the full moon falls in Taurus, where it grounds new activities with decisive action, and shows us where the transformation will take place in our lives. Early this month, our values, sense of self-worth, and finances are highlighted and up for transformation. As we enter November, take some time to look deeply at what you currently value in life, at the evolution of your sense of self-worth, and to evaluate your financial situation. This process will reveal where you need to transform internally and what changes you need to make, externally.

During Scorpio we are challenged to heal some part of our life

If you are born with the sun, moon, or rising sign in Scorpio, personal transformation is a way of life that informs your entire life’s journey. Throughout your lifetime, you are challenged to delve into the depths of your psychological motivations, let go of the familiar, allow your consciousness to transform, and to take a leap into the unknown. But, even for those without strong Scorpio natal planets, we are all confronted at some time in life with the need to face our “shadow side,” to heal old wounds, and find what is highest and best within us. While the sun transits Scorpio, from October 22 until November 21, we are challenged to transform some aspect of our life.

Healing work clarifies motives, brings greater freedom

The journey into Scorpio this year is filled with challenges, but also with potential joys as we release old patterns and free up energy for renewal and new creativity. The sun in Scorpio is joined by both the planet of karma, which brings us our life’s lessons, as well as the north nodal axis of the moon, which is our collective Soul Path. This energetic combination provides powerful motivation and determination to face our “shadow” and do the healing work to clarify our motives, and reveal what is true about our current path. To whatever degree you are called to do your own inner healing work this month, heed the call, and get it done. The freedom you will experience is well worth the momentary discomfort of facing old issues. Very favorable communication aspects during the first week of November make it particularly easy to resolve any outstanding concerns in your closest relationships, potentially leaving you feeling well loved and supported in life, and inspired to make creative changes.

Spiritual renewal beckons

Spiritual inspiration is abundantly available, and especially vital in the early part of the month. Take whatever time you can devote to meditate, contemplate, journal, walk quietly and reflect deeply into the heart and soul of your inner truth. Also in the first week of November, Venus, the planet of beauty, love and money finds herself in her home sign of Libra, which seeks to harmonize and bring others together. But Venus is challenged by both Pluto and Uranus, two planets that are known for sudden changes, upheaval and challenges, but also bring expanded consciousness and higher, spiritual awakening, for those willing to do the deeper soul-searching or healing work.

Solar Eclipse requires leap of faith

As we enter mid-month, we have a new moon solar eclipse in Scorpio, underscoring the theme of deep transformation for all of us. Like the trapeze artist who finds herself flying freely in midair before catching the swinging bar, we must let go of the familiarity and safety of the past before our new opportunities will fully materialize, and for some time, we are in “free-fall,”when we must release old reference points and simply trust that life will bring us our next perfect opportunities. Eclipses are powerful catalysts that bring significant changes to our lives, our awareness, and our relationships, and the November 13 solar eclipse in Scorpio is an especially potent one. As the eclipse shakes up our orientation to life, causing us to think in new ways and let go of old attitudes and beliefs, a new, higher frequency awareness dawns in our hearts and souls. Habitual attitudes and “inherited” beliefs surface to our awareness and begin dissolving; inviting us to let go gracefully of the past and trust our higher guidance to deliver us to our next level of awareness.

Sagittarius Sun & Lunar Eclipse reveal higher purpose

The sun completes its trek through Scorpio’s deep waters and enters Sagittarius on November 21. Opening our minds to the broader perspective and visionary qualities that the expansive sign of Sagittarius offers, we begin to see the threads of meaning woven through all of our life experiences. We let go of old patterns, release old fears and begin more earnestly following the prompting of our Spirit’s whisperings. On November 28 we have a full moon in Gemini Lunar Eclipse that starts a new cycle of inquiry into our purpose, destiny, and the meaning we attribute to our lives. To navigate these powerful eclipses, allow yourself to go within and follow the promptings of your soul’s wisdom. Gradually but surely, universal energies nudge us toward greater and greater spiritual awareness.

Best Days for November 2012

These dates are given as general suggestions that are particularly useful in planning work, career, or business activities. I always suggest my clients develop and use their own higher guidance, but also check with the planetary energies for a quick and very reliable guide to how energy flows on any given day. For more specific and personal guidance on your most important choices and opportunities, consult a professional astrologer.

The potential success of any venture can be predicted by looking at the energy at its inception, but, because we have a Mercury Retrograde for most of this month, there are no truly stellar days for new beginnings. If you must begin in November, the following days are best for starting and advancing new endeavors, including a new business launch, new job, business relationship, product introductions, or any new project or venture, and are listed in the order of priority: The very best day is November 27, from 3 am to 5 pm PST; next is November 30, then November 3, 11, 14-17; the 24 until 4pm, and the 23 until 5:30 pm.

To achieve the best results for anything related to work, career or business success, convert the above days and times to your time zone, and plan important meetings, offerings, sales, and product or service launches then. If you intend to open a new business, do an Internet launch, or sign a business partnership contract, and you can wait until next month, wait, that will be best. Otherwise, choose one of the days suggested above, keeping in mind that the 27 offers the most conducive energy for success.

To have more consistent ease and work harmoniously with natural energy flow, use this guide to start new businesses, do product launches, have important meetings, interviews, or introductions, and to move existing projects forward on the above dates, in the order of priority as given, and use the remaining days of the month to fulfill more routine tasks.


Sun Signs for November 2012

Aries - In this month of transformation, you are compelled to go deeply into the realm of your subconscious where you will discover elements of your consciousness that are up for healing. The November 13 solar eclipse underscores this theme of psychological transformation as it invites you to deeply examine ingrained patterns of intimate relating that need up-leveling. Releasing old habits makes room for the fresh perspective that comes as a spiritual gift that lights the way to more joyful relating. The November 28 lunar eclipse in Gemini shows us where the consciousness changes will be expressed, and for you, that would be in your way of communicating.

Taurus - The November 13 new moon, solar eclipse in Scorpio brings substantial changes in your most intimate relationships. Old ways of communicating with loved ones no longer serve you, and you are inspired to learn how to interact more effectively. Challenges in your relationship are resolved when you let go and allow the voice of your Higher Self to guide you. Healing energy is abundantly available; allow yourself to receive. The full moon, lunar eclipse in Gemini on November 28 highlights concerns over money that can only be resolved by raising your consciousness, and therefore your energetic frequency through meditation, prayer, or other forms of touching in with Spirit.

Gemini - Your daily living routines and habits are up for transformation with the November 13 solar eclipse shedding light on both the patterns that you have in place which serve you well, as well as the ones that need up-leveling. Adding a daily touch-in with your Soul through establishing a routine of daily meditation, prayer or other spiritual practice will help enormously by helping you tune in to the guidance and voice of your soul’s wisdom. A lunar eclipse in your sign on November 28 brings a new perspective that helps to shed light on your current direction in life.

Cancer - New creative projects get stimulated at the November 13 solar eclipse, assisting you to further the revolution that has been occurring in your work or business, but also asking you to take a deep look at communication patterns that no longer support your highest vision, and in fact, can detract from your success. Speak your truth, but do it at the right time, and in a way that serves the highest good. Go with your intuition and follow your higher guidance; you can trust it. A full moon, lunar eclipse in Gemini on November 28 beckons you into deep reflection and meditation.

Leo - This month’s powerful solar eclipse on November 13, in Scorpio, shakes up the foundation of your life, and can effect your home life with a call to transform some aspect of the ground upon which you stand. You may need to bring in a feng shui expert, to help you transform the energy flow in your home, or you may be looking more deeply at what your consciousness and therefore, your life, is rooted in. To the extent that you are willing to let go of old ways and communication habits, innovative ideas and intuitive flashes for positive changes will come. The November 28 full moon, lunar eclipse in Gemini sheds light on your future plans.

Virgo - On November 13, we have a powerful catalyst for change; a solar eclipse in Scorpio that calls for transformation in your way of thinking and style of communication. You have an opportunity to resolve some long-standing issues with a partner, if you are willing to take the higher road and follow the prompting of the voice of your Spirit. This eclipse raises your awareness regarding the potentially self-defeating effect of speaking brashly; find your truth before you speak. A lunar eclipse in Gemini on November 28 underscores this theme and lights the way to show you where and how to make the substantial changes that are necessary for your long-term success.

Libra - You enjoy a pleasant flow of energy in your relationships early this month, and may be having great fun with friends or with a lover. A November 13 solar eclipse in Scorpio highlights your finances, signaling a time to take stock and re-group, in preparation for coming changes. While you experience transformation of your monetary resources, the eclipse also makes you aware of the connection between your sense of self-worth and your experience of abundance. Partners bring surprising news or opportunities. A lunar eclipse on November 28 brings heightened spiritual awareness and inspires you to establish new daily routines.

Scorpio - Surprising good fortune early this month graces you with opportunities for positive growth. On November 13, we have a solar eclipse in your sign, catalyzing a change of perspective in how you see yourself, and your life. Your life direction now becomes clear and you see how to create your next steps. Saturn in your sign brings the grounding and practical steps necessary to fulfill your creative vision. Remember that Mercury is retrograde, so do check your facts and get the details straight before making a commitment. A lunar eclipse in Gemini follows on November 28, and this will help you put new creative projects into perspective.

Sagittarius - While you may be delighting in new friendships or new group associations early this month, November 13 brings a powerful solar eclipse in Scorpio that beckons you to look deeply within, to do some soul-searching, and transform old patterns in your intimate connections. You may be releasing an old relationship, or simply becoming aware of previously hidden patterns and motivations. Speaking your truth clearly and compassionately will help clear the air. Resist the temptation to make brash decisions while Mercury is retrograde; instead, contemplate to find your highest inspiration before taking action. On November 28, a lunar eclipse in Gemini, opposite your sun, invites you into a highly creative cycle, but cautions you to check details before acting.

Capricorn - With the powerful planet Pluto in your sign for several years now, and for many more years to come, transformation has become a way of life, but that theme is underscored this month with a powerful solar eclipse in Scorpio. The November 13 eclipse calls for substantial changes in your life-direction, your future goals, and in the friends and groups with whom you associate. Inspiration is high but check your facts and pay attention to details before making important decisions. A lunar eclipse in Gemini on December 28 reveals previously hidden factors, adding a new dimension to the mix that may alter your new plans. course corrections will be easier now than in the future.

Aquarius - A solar eclipse in Scorpio on November 13 ignites your career or business life with a call for change and transformation. Depending upon other factors in your personal astrology chart, this change could be huge, involving a career change or an entirely new business direction, or the changes may be less monumental, but nevertheless, significant ones. With Mercury retrograde, be careful to get all your details in order, and find the right time for making big moves. On November 28, we have a lunar eclipse in Gemini, which should stimulate some new creative inspiration. Before taking action, make sure you are on solid ground financially, and that your values are being honored.

Pisces - As the doors of transformation open with the sun in Scorpio, you are called to deep contemplation of your spiritual journey, and this theme is underscored with a solar eclipse in Scorpio on November 13. This eclipse brings significant changes to your way of seeing life and your entire philosophy comes up for review and potential transformation. You become acutely aware of the extent to which your beliefs color how you experience reality. Get unfinished business and incomplete projects or communication wrapped up now. Communication issues surface later in the month as the November 28 lunar eclipse highlights the importance of speaking your truth.

Carola Eastwood provides in-depth personal astrology readings and transformational life coaching sessions that open the doorway to fulfilling your life-purpose. 760-298-7828